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Help Topics for Audio Mixer Wizard

The Audio Mixer Wizard

This wizard can help you to quickly edit when your voiced scripts audio segments should start, to include background music for your dialog, if you wish, and then to merge these into one mp3, right in your browser, without uploading or downloading any files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As this is a browser native application, it is very important that you do not navigate away from the page before you have saved your work. You may lose your unsaved work - among other actions - if you enter the address of another web page into the address bar, press the "back-button" of your browser, or close your browser window.

LIMITATIONS: Our software uses technology that is built into latest versions of modern web browsers. It works with Google Chrome (Versions 68+), Microsoft Edge (versions 79+), Firefox (Versions 79+), Opera (Versions 64+), Chrome for Android (Versions 92+), and Firefox for Android (Versions 90+). Internet Explorer, Safari, Safari on iOS, and Opera Mobile browsers are currently not supported.

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Continuing a Saved Audio Mix

If you started working on an audio mix, saved your changes, but had to quit the app before you could finalize your mp3, you can reload the arrangement of your voiced scripts audio segments to continue from where you left off. Please note, however, that you will have to reload your Audio ZIP-File and background music file (if any), since the security settings of your browser do not allow us to access these automatically, even though we know which files these are.

Voiced scripts post-processing files for audio-mix creation are saved by default with the name "Audio-Mix.vsppa", in any case with the ending ".vsppa", and commonly in your default "Downloads" folder.

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Your Audio Zip-File

Select the Audio ZIP-File of the dialog you want to edit. If you did not download the Audio ZIP-File, you should go back to Your Downloads Page and download the Audio ZIP-File you want to edit. If you deleted your Audio ZIP-File after decompressing it or edited it in some way, you will have to download it again, as our post-processing requires an intact "Voicedscripts ZIP File".

The voiced scripts files you create are stored on our servers for a period of one week. If you failed to save your "Voicedscripts ZIP File" during this time period, you can contact us to request your file to be retrieved from our archive.

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Merging the Audio

The audio segments of your dialog are shown graphically between an unmoveable one second start marker and an unmoveable one second end marker. Each audio segment is color coded based on the character speaking / file being played, and their widths are proportional to the durations of the individual audio segments.

User interface elements to rearrange the audio segments, mute and control the volume

By clicking / tapping on the lighter part of an audio segment, you can play / pause that part. By dragging an audio segment at the leftmost darker part, you can move it along the same track, to insert a pause, or move it onto one of three additional tracks, to let dialogs occur in a simultaneous manner. The app makes sure that subsequent audio segments are rearranged such that the order of speakers in the dialog can never change.

In the context of audio-mix creation, merging dialogs means putting the audio on different tracks into one continuous audio track. You can also insert background music in a number of formats. When you select a file we can process, the app will repeat it for the duration (at the time of insertion of the background music) of the audio segments. If the duration of the music file is longer than the duration of the audio segments (at the time of insertion of the background music), it will be trimmed to the correct length with a fade-out effect of 3 seconds. You should reduce the volume of the background music so that dialogs are clearly audible.

Please note that files with a low bitrate or otherwise low quality, as well as music that contains high frequencies may lead to insertion of disturbing sounds into the voiceover, since our app has to downsample the background music in a lossy format. Best results are achieved with high bitrate, high quality music files.

When you click / tap on play, all audio tracks play along simultaneously. You can mute the dialog segments, the background music, and the merged audio independent of one another.

User interface elements to mute, play, pause, and seek

You can seek or step through key frames (with a maximum resolution of 20 frames per second), to find the exact position where a dialog segment should start.

Having edited starting positions of audio segments and moved them between parallel tracks, you can optimize and record the arrangement, ready for saving. You can use the "undo" and "redo" buttons in case you have to make corrections.

A unique feature of our post-processing is that your audio is not uploaded to the internet. All processing occurs right in your browser, just like with a software running on your computer, albeit, without the need to install a software. All you need is a modern browser.

While this method of post-processing is very secure and fast, the first time you use the wizard, some software snippets on our server are accessed, so that it may take a while for the app to be ready, depending on your browser version, and your computer and internet connection speeds. In all subsequent operations, the video processing will be fast, where the app will separate the already existing audio in the video from it and put it onto a separate track.

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Saving the Merged Audio

Once the audio of all tracks have been merged, you can save the result. As with other downloadable files at our site, the merged audio will be saved in your default "Downloads" folder with a default name (in this case "Audio-Mix.mp3"). If you wish to save the file with a different name or in a different folder, you can right-click on the link and choose "Save link as" to do so.

If you make any further changes to the arrangement of your voiced scripts audio segments, or change the background music or its volume, you will have to go through the merging step again before you can continue.

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Saving the Arrangement of the Dialog Blocks

This option becomes available as soon as you have optimized and recorded the arrangement of the voiced scripts audio segments. If you have to quit the app before you can finalize your mp3, you should save your changes to continue at another time.

Voiced scripts post-processing files for video voiceover creation are saved by default with the name "Audio-Mix.vsppa", in any case with the ending ".vsppa", and commonly in your default "Downloads" folder. If you wish to save the file with a different name or in a different folder, you can right-click on the link and choose "Save link as" to do so.

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